We invite you to pause and invest in yourself this fall. Stay Forth Designs is creating a space to bring leaders and teams an incredible online experience in the convenience of your home or office. You will hear timely insights from thought leaders and forward-looking practitioners on how to get and stay healthy as you lead through these uncertain times. 
Alan Briggs
How do we navigate this disorientation? 
Dhati Lewis
 How do our emotions affect our leadership?
Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith
How do I know if I’m burning out?
Pete Scazzero
How do we stay emotionally healthy when the world is upside-down?
Steve Cuss
How do we manage anxiety in us and those we lead?
Brian Tome
Why do we need fun and adventure so badly right now? 

Nick Brandt
 What do our souls have to do with our leadership?

Jeff & Terra Mattson
What are warning signs for leaders?

Brooke Hempell of Barna
 What trends are we seeing among Christian leaders?

Scott Sauls
How can our weakness become a gift?

Module 2: Healthy Team Culture

Jimmy Mellado & Wess Stafford
What does a healthy succession require?… and how our succession worked
Kadi Cole
How can we empower more female leaders?
Jesse Cole
How can fun and risk take our culture to the next level?
Jenni Catron
How do we cultivate richer culture for our teams?
Grant Skeldon
How can we connect with and equip Millennials?
Krisha Buehler of Belay
How is working from home affecting our health?
Daniel Fusco
 How do we battle through growth and discouragement? 

Mark Batterson
How can we stress less and accomplish more?

Mike McDonald of Bible Project
How can our organization grow without it destroying us?

Stay Forth Designs Team
What are your next steps to getting healthy?
Pete Vargas
How do I pivot when the bottom falls out?
Tim Lucas
What has coaching, creation and contemplation taught me? 

Module 3: Social Justice

Danielle Strickland
How can we close the gap between the sexes?
MelindaJoy Mingo
How do we start the journey toward racial reconciliation?
Adam Weber
 How do we choose compassion in our cancel culture? 

Sam Collier
Why do stories our stories carry so much weight?
Ashlee Eiland
What can we cling to in this season?
Jimmy Mellado & Stacy Foster
Why are we giving our lives to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name?
Hannah Gronowski
How do we become activists in the way of Jesus? 

J.R. Briggs
How do we live in the tension between the extremes?
Rich Villodas
How can we deepen rhythms and reconciliation?  

MODULE 4: practical leadership issues

Alan Briggs
How do I bypass burnout? 

Tyler Reagin & Josh Turner
What do pastors need right now?

Josh Surratt
How do we keep leading when we’re discouraged? 
Gabbie Odom
What do young leaders need from us?
Tim Timberlake
How do we take on the new (scary) challenges?
Joël Malm
Where is all this anger coming from?
J.R. Briggs
What is the leadership linchpin post-COVID? 
Rashawn Copeland
How can our story impact others?

Carlos Whittaker
How we do move beyond surviving into abundant life?

Take your next right step. 
Grab a lifetime pass to Healthy Leaders Summit.
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